Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm A What??

Light. A golden ray of sunshine. The small warm spot on the floor.
What ever you call the sun it basically means the same idea.
God. Holy of Holies. Creator of earth.
What ever you call Him it basically refers to the same person.
It's funny how the sun can be put in a story as an example to describe God. Not following, right?
We've all had our moments where we're sitting in a sanctuary, the person talking is boring us to death, our eyes dart around looking for something more interesting.
I had one of my moments a few weeks ago.
My eyes scanning what seemed to be every inch of that sanctuary just waiting for the thing or person I knew would eventually draw my attention. I scanned the front of the sanctuary, my eyes running over a stain-glass window.
At the moment I looked at it a bright ray of light made the window light up and grasp a whole new appearance!
Well, my jaw didn't drop but God told me a rather interesting tid-bit about myself that I certainly did not know. He said, "You are a window."
Ummmm what? Did you just seriously tell me I'm a window?
Yeah, He did.
I understood exactly what He meant. What He told me sunk in and it all flooded in.
When God shines His light through us we take on a very different appearance than when people just take one look at us. We have all these different "colours", different gifts, talents, qualities that God uses to make the light He puts in us shine all the more brighter.
How do you think a ray of sunshine would come out through a window of all grey?

I am Taylyr Jane Davis and I was specially crafted by God and placed into the world and church to shine and bring glory to God! Wow, there are a lot of 'buts' in there. lol

                                            One of the girls........
                                                    Taylyr Jane

Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Won't Settle For Less. Part 2

I re-looked at my list of future husband/spouse qualities & realized that I didn't put some of the qualities I put down! lol
Here are the ones I didn't put down:
  • Leadership.
  • Humble.
  • Doesn't have to prove everything to everyone.
  • Loves to serve people.
  • Tall.
  • Supports me.
  • Wants to learn about me.
  • Will make an effort to learn about me.
  • Flexible in planning.
There ya go! :)

                    One of the girls...............

Friday, October 21, 2011

I Won't Settle For Less.

This is my personal list of traits I came up with for my future boyfriend/spouse.
I went through some deep questioning of myself and into some deep thought to find some of these.
I guess i've thought about it before, but on a more "surface" level.
So, here is my list :) :

  • He needs to be so enveloped in God that I have to go through God to get to him.
  • Likes to notice little things and enjoyes them.
  • Loves to laugh.
  • Knows when to be serious and when to be funny.
  • Simple-ish lol
  • Comfortable with himself.
  • Will fight for me.
  • Expressive. (at least a lil)
  • Clean.
  • Needs to know how to LISTEN!
  • Not afraid of hard work.
  • Has at least a temporary goal for life/job.
  • Thoughtful.
  • Athletic.
  • Thinks before he speaks or does.
  • Loves his family.
  • Does not take offense easily.
  • Strong; emotionally and physically.
  • Awesomely random. :))
  • Would put God before me always.
  • Optimistic.
  • Laid back.
  • Likes to try to make everyday things fun.
  • Is dependant on God before anything/one else.
  • Can stand up to me. <----------Hahahahahahahaha!!!
  • Not fearful.
  • Soft hearted.
  • Wise.
  • Discerning.
  • Affectionate.
  • Needs to be the one God has held for me, can't be anyone else!!!
  • Does not try to be perfect.
  • Needs to CARE!
  • Needs to be PURE!
  • Loves kids!
  • Does not sugar coat everything.
Well, there's a lil piece of my heart for you. :) I wonder a lot who this mystery man is. Have I met him? Will he be someone I least expect now? When will I know it's him?
It's been a while since i've looked so deep inside of me & have let myself just be honest without scolding myself when I point out something I think my be impossible. I let myself truly dream.

Truly dreaming is when you don't give yourself boundaries and you just let yourself imagine in pure hopefullness. I've got to let myself do that more often. *dreamy sigh* :)

                         One of the girls...............
                                        Taylyr <33

Thursday, July 28, 2011


God seems to put a lot of "Special Ed" people in my life.
Those people who's words just get slurred together and are frustrated when you have to ask them to repeat what they say constantly. The first "Special Ed" kid, I remember, to be my friend was a guy named Tyler. I was, at the time, in fourth grade and was in the middle of 'I don't want to hurt his feelings and say no' and 'I actually enjoy hanging around him'. There were days to where I wanted to be around him and enjoyed the "special games" he would make up for us. However, there where also days where I wanted to say no, but didn't have the heart to.
I remember one day I wanted to play with the girls that were in my class so I hoped through lunch that Tyler wouldn't be there. I was disappointed to hear him call my name as I was headed to the monkey bars. Turning around with a smile plastered on my face I saw him running towards me beaming like everyday. Taking the piece of paper he was clutching and opening it up he showed me a paper covered with colourful lines and scribbles with pictures in the corners.
Holding it up he told me that he had created a treasure map that would lead to his "treasure". Following him all over the playground this way and that we were supposedly following the scribbles and lines. Peering at my other friends I had a secret envy for them that made me feel guilty. When we stopped he dropped to his knees and started digging. Getting down on my knees I waited. Out of the hole he brought out a small quartz. Handling it like it was the most precious thing in the world he showed me every side describing the rock.
He smiled widely and handed me the quartz and said to me in his slurred voice, "I want you to have it."
As a fourth grader I didn't see.
The first day I told him no a few weeks later his smile was gone and he went back inside and stayed there the rest of the day. I look back and feel sad and sometimes bad that I didn't see the ministry in Tyler. That I didn't see his love.
We don't see a lot when we envy or are blinded by endless wishing.

One of the girls....

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What If?

How do you explain something that you don't understand yourself?
The mysteries of the thing in my skull commonly know as a "brain". A brain.
Dear brain,
Why do you make yourself so complicated?
The Body
You know there's an unknown reason. The tricky part of that reason is it's mischievous partner. UNKNOWN. (dun dun DUN!)
I wonder if other people get scared  confused when they think about what's ahead. Is there a life of nomadic ministries? What about getting married? Kids?
What is a girl to discover when the world seems so big compared to her little world?
What do you do when you have a special guy friend, that has always been there for you, that doesn't always do what he says he'll do?
Dear special guy friend,
Why is it that when I manage to think I have gotten over you, you finally show up and make my breath quicken?
The girl
P.S. Make up your mind!! Are you gonna call me or not?!

Dear special guy friend,
Why can't you just answer the question without making my mind race and stay up all night?
The girl
Why can't I back away and let God make what He wants happen? Well, because I want certain things to happen to me!
Ummm.....I don't remember God being a wish list for the Miss 'I want everything' girl.
Dear God,
You can do what you want with me, but first let me give you the 411 on my opinions.
Your daughter,
The girl
Uhh no.
I think that we girls want control in something. Anything Maybe not ANYTHING. Do we really want control? If we were in control what would happen?
What if
Us humans can really get caught up in the world of 'What if?'.
Why do we want to base the future on the
God gives us brand new, clean white 'shirts' and then when we look back and bring all the dirt back in! What happens to the brand new white shirt? WHAT A MESS!!!
Why do we make a mess in the first place?
Dear God,
Clean-up on my isle!!
Your daughter,
The girl
One of the girls,
you did kiss the guy? What if you had just ignored the new kid? What if..........?
Also, why does the special guy friend have to keep you "guessing"?

Friday, June 24, 2011

ipod incident.

Oh the things that happen. lol
I was preparing to wrap my friend's birthday present and had asked my grandma for a bag. We went into 'my' room and started with cutting some tissue paper to wrap it in.
Well, I had just been listening to my ipod and had previously set it on my bed. Neither of us had noticed that the tissue paper had been set onto my ipod and while my grandma was cutting the tissue paper she accidentally cut one of the ear phones off!
Sadly, I didn't notice the ipod until she was just about to touch the ear phone and I guess i didn't yell, "STOP!", fast enough. Ooops.
My other ear phone still works fine and doesn't appear to notice the absence of it's partner. :)
It turns out that even thought, at the time, I was a little upset I was more concerned that my grandma knew it wasn't that big of a deal. God turned out using this unexpected accident to teach me patience and to remember what and whom my priorities are set upon.
I find it very exciting when I have a victory like this and can happily say, "Hahaha, Satan!!! I WON!!!!" I think that is a pretty appropriate time to brag a lil. ;)
One of the girls.....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ahhh! :)

I love how estatic everyone was as I entered the youth room full of familiar high school students!
They would pass me, take a second look and embrace me. I felt small and ganged up on when I noticed how boys that we're short compared to me are now the tall guys with deeper voices!
I have taken up right where I left off in my home of friends. :)
It felt good realizing I was genuinly missed and welcomed/wanted back! I didn't have to re-earn my place or stand off alone. The whole time tonight I was laughing and joking around with people who care about me, how I'm doing and my walk with God. Oh how I have been craving that. :)
Praying that I have a group of buds like that in Carson. Only 3 hours away, instead of 3 days, is an improvement. Once I drive trips down here will be planned. :)

One of the girls.....

Friday, May 13, 2011


One thing a kid learns most in Sunday school is, "Jesus/God loves everyone."
Everyone- Every person; everybody.
Well, I'm not sure it can be much more clear than that. lol
Everyone? Every single person? That guy walking down the street smoking? That woman yelling at her child? Everyone?
Ummm...well, I'm not sure how well you paid attention to the first sentence, but I'm pretty sure it said everyone.
Can you imagine that? To love everyone. We don't even know a quarter of everyone! Do we even love all the people we know, or do some people fall short of your 'loveable list'?
God knows everyone, their mistakes. He can hear what we say, and if we defy Him He knows! He knows everything, yet He loves everyone. I don't know about you, but when I think about that I think, "He is one patient father!"
I don't have anyone I exactly 'hate', I never really have, however, I have had 'disagreeable' people here and there. Can I say I loved them when I was having a hard time with them? I don't really remember, but I'm guessing my answer should be no.
How many times have we gone by, "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you."? Maybe, 2/200 times.
Everyone? YES, EVERYONE!!
Get it yet?
I'm not perfect at it, but I pray for patience so that when those 'disagreeable' people come around I'm not tempted to whack them on the head. lol

One of the girls.....

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Perfect timing.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10
How much do we know about our Creator?
How much are we supposed to know?
Answer: We know what He has revealed and shown us, and what God tells us is what we're supposed to know.
I think most of us are less afraid of something when we know more about it. When we know how it works and operates we're more willing to try it, maybe.
I tend to ask a lot, "Why didn't I think of this earlier?" or, "Why didn't you tell me this before God?"
Hmmmmm....why didn't He?
Another question is, how could He tell you something at the wrong time or when it's too late if His timing is perfect? He never tells us things or fills us in at the wrong time 'cause He's the one with the plan! Do we have a plan? Perhaps, however our plan could NEVER be as perfect as God's plan!
In our human nature we want to know every little detail every minute. But, that would take out the learning and excitement of the future! Who wants to do that?
Plus, if God fills us in later that means it's not too late!
Not too late? But it's done!
Not if God says it's not!
Since God knows our future He knows when we're gonna fall and mess up, He also knows (as should we) that it's never too late to fix a mistake.
Got a friend you got in a big fight with say.....a year ago? Well, God says, it's not too late.
Got a sibling you put blame on for something you did a week ago? God says, it's not too late.
I think God should know when it's too late.
God reveals bits and pieces to us when we're ready and willing to receive them. Sometimes what He tells us is to share or is specifically for us. I think it takes wisdom and listening to God to know which it's for.
Oh, and guess what, sometimes you won't understand what he tells you at first, but that's okay! God will give you understanding when the time is right.
Wisdom and understanding are two different things, however both are extremely important in our walk with God! We need to pray for it, not just expect it to just come.
I find myself throughout the day praying for wisdom is some areas and understanding in others, even in math. ;)
And He's giving them to me. :)

One of the girls......

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

History Lesson!!! (Don't worry! It won't bore you!!)

It's been my favorite subject since 2nd grade.
I now find myself appreciating and loving it for whole other reasons!
In home school we've been watching this funny, entertaining history series called, 'Drive Through History.' It's a Christian based bunch of episodes teaching kids (and adults) in an engaging way about Ancient History and what role Christians have played.
We watched a couple episodes today that we're based on cities in Turkey. The guy on the show (his name doesn't stick to my brain lol) talked about the Hittites, Muslims, and early Christians. One thing I thought was soo cool was that.. oh wait! I guess I need to explain something first. lol Well, to escape persecution the Hittites went and lived in Cappadocia, Turkey. The thing I found cool was that they lived in caves carved into soiled rock! Imagine how hard that must have been to make! However, these we're like the perfect climate control houses! Cool in summer and warm in winter. :)
These rocks the caves we're carved in are called 'fairy chimnys'. lol
But, I learned something that was better!
When the Muslims came and invaded the Christians they created similar caves, only underground!
What the Hittites originally started, the Christians continued and the underground tunnels and rooms went seven stories underground! In the very last level the guy on the show discovered that the large room was in the shape of a cross! It was a room of prayer and worship.
Learning about the early Christian's persecution really reminds me how easy I have it. I don't have an army of soldiers ready to kill me for having a personal relationship with God! They did!
They risked there lives to go to church and worship our wonderful God!
New respect for early Christians is established.

One of the girls.....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I LOVE This Growth Spurt!!!!!!

Growth spurts.
How do they make you feel?
Excited, happy, maybe moody?
What about a growth spurt in God?
Same, or does that change things?
EXCITEMENT is what I am currently feeling about my growth in God. :)
I ponder it and think, "His voice is suddenly so clear!" No longer (well, maybe sometimes still) do I wonder over and over if it's me or God.
To feel, to know that God is really listening and, better yet, answering back! A conversation with a real, true bestie! Wow!!
A true desire to read the Bible and pray for EVERYTHING!
I am literally giddy on the inside!
He wants to speak through me to help and minister to others? I believe His answer to me could very well be, DUH!
Can't wait to see what God does and accomplishes through me!

One of the girls.......

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pushin' the Purity!

I don't know about anyone else but I love to be with a group of girls and talk about purity.
I'm not like obsessed with sex or anything, but it's something I'm interested in teaching about. I know that I can struggle sometimes. Just yesterday I was having an inside battle with myself because we where looking at bathing suits and the majority of them where bikinis. So my mind starts wandering and all of a sudden I start to wonder how I would look in a bikini. Where did that come from?!
Well, it came from what I've been struggling with, looking "good", but not an extent to where my parents complain. So while we're looking at bathing suits my mom's trying to get an idea of what I want.
I was panicking inside cause I didn't want to tell my mom, the one who's always influenced me not to wear bikinis, that that's what I wanted to try on! No way!
But I ended up crying in Kohl's because I was telling my parents I didn't know what I wanted when I did, but I wanted approval.
Now the day before my dad was talking to us girls about bikinis and how showing things get to guys and all that and I felt bad that the very next day I wanted to go against what I have always believed about that and try one on.
Does a bikini have anything to do with purity? YES IT DOES!
I want to stay pure sexually until I get married.
I have never been kissed by a guy and I'm proud of it, or at least I was.
Being teased and pointed out isn't fun. There have been girls who have pointed out my underwear for Pete's sake!
Being teased can give you a new perspective, a wrong perspective. That's what it has done to me sadly.
I don't very often tell people, but when I was on the volleyball team this last year the girls pointed out things that where "wrong with me", they tried to put sexual things into my mind, and they made me question my standards.
As a result, I spend 30 minutes to an hour trying to make my make up perfect and choose clothes that where okay.
I spend a great deal of the day trying to make myself feel important and pretty.
When news gets out that I haven't kissed a guy, I get shocked faces, "whats wrong with you" questions, and "your a loser" tones when they talk to me.
I absolutely LOVE talking to other girls about this and listening to speakers talk about this cause it's honestly something I'm struggling with.
Am I proud of it. No way!
I hate telling people about this! But I want to help girls in this blog and to do that I need to be honest and let you girls know that my life isn't lollipop lane.
I know that, and I also know I don't spend enough time in the Bible and prayer. Right now I'm I guess kinda "desperate" to find books, speakers, mentors anything to do with what I'm dealing with because this way of living is not fun. It's not!
This isn't what this blog post was supposed to be about, but that's okay.
Pray for me and if you know a girl who's like this, like me try to help them. :)

One of the girls......

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cleanin' Out the Junk!

Moving is hard work!
Packing boxes is a good workout though. Today I got into the kick of packing up my room. I loved finding all the things I thought I lost and all the stuff I realized I really didn't need! I was proud of myself for packing less books than when I came. :)
Thinking about my day I came to realize how much packing can be like our life. When we really get to the point of cleaning our minds, through all the piles of stuff, we find things to pack up and save for later, we find junk we need to throw out, and we find things we once needed, but is no longer a necessity. We also have stuff we just need or want to give away. I absolutely love it when God suddenly gives me such an easy and understandable way to look at things. :)
God can use so many things in our lives to show us anything! We truly do have an amazing God! It makes me excited for the things ahead that's gonna become clear to me. Listen to God, it truly works. ;)
             One of the girls,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Adventure in a Biopark!!!!

Heyy everyone! We went on a GREAT adventure and took a look inside God's marvelous creation!! Going to the Albuquerque bio park was TONS of fun (and a good workout!!).

Our journey consisted of The Chocolate Milk Cow, The Lone Chicken, The Praying Goat, and an adventure in Wonderland! We went to the train station after seeing what one animal in the zoo was like (don't worry, we went back) and headed to the aquarium and Japanese Gardens! The aquarium is my favorite. :)  We saw eels, sharks (even a smiling one!), rays, jellyfish (too cool!) and Dory!

Next was the HUGE greenhouse! It was a lil warm in there but cool. The tropical greenhouse proved to be full of plants and flowers that my sisters were more than happy to take pics of. Oh wait! I forgot to mention the adventure in Wonderland! We entered this big castle (and passed a big dragon) and once we entered all the stuff in there made us feel kinda small. The maze kinda scared me because I didn't know how long it went and I hate feeling trapped in those things. lol

On the way to the Japanese Gardens we came across a charming farm! This is where we came across The Praying Goat. He had his foot on the board and had his foot rested on it. :) We saw The Lone Chicken on our way into the barn (we figured out later he had friends). Inside the barn we found a brown calf and proclaimed it The Chocolate Milk Cow.

Finally getting to the Japanese Gardens we were impressed. A pretty big waterfall connecting to a lake was mom's favorite. We took a lot of pics here. :) Coming back to the zoo we saw monkeys grooming each other, a male lion sitting on the rock like he knew he was the king, and a polar bear that was a lil unsure of how to jump off his rock. 

Our day was pretty great! Things like this reminds me how great homeschooling really is and how great God really is too. :)

One of the girls.....

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Childish Antics of a Teenager.

What a great day! The first time in a while I may have gotten sunburned! Hahaha. We went to the park with our home school group and I personally had a blast! I ran without my asthma getting in the way and felt great afterward, I laughed A LOT with my new friend, and ran all over the place (including the river) barefoot!

I surprise myself sometimes (okay, a lot) with my sudden bursts of childish antics. Then again, what fun would life be without them! I loved shouting to my mom with great pride that I actually ran and wasn't tired! Us teenagers aren't like that anymore with our cellphones, T.V., and computers. Sometimes I think about the entertainment for kids in the 1800's, they had to create fun with outdoor creativity and adventures! We have it easy.

It takes so much to excite us. I love it when a little kid suddenly rushes over to a simple thing like a flower and looks at it with that face of innocence. The look of pride when they discover something new. I wish I still looked at God's amazing creation in such a fantastic way!

One of the girls.......

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Attention All Girls!!

Aloha! Hola! Greetings!
Now I will unleash my plan for this blog!
Okay so one day my mom was making lists and typing when she kind of suddenly exclaimed something along the lines of, "You know what? A blog would be fun to do!" I kinda jumped out of my seat. She started planning and brain storming and then BOOM! Tons of ideas for a blog for teens popped up in my mind!

Enough of my story, the reason I wanted to create a blog was first off I thought it would be fun, lol, and two I wanted to let teen girls know that God loves them. So for all those beautiful, amazing teen girls out there I wanna let you know a couple of things (okay more than a couple):

1. As I mentioned not too long ago God loves you!
2. God created you to do AMAZING things!
3. You are unique. No two people are exactly alike so be yourself!
4. You are beautiful without tons of make-up!

This blog is NOT meant to replace your parents! God gave us parents to guide and protect us so don't be afraid to talk to them, they don't bite! (At least most don't)

This blog IS meant to be entertaining, funny and enjoyable! Here is a place to get the 411 on things like great food to fill up with when those cravings come out, the importance of staying pure, and most importantly how much God loves and cares for us!

Well laugh, cry, and/or dance for joy 'cause God is GOOD!

                          One of the girls......