Thursday, December 18, 2014

I Am My Own Greatest Idol.

I read a lot of posts and articles on marriage. (Hey, what can I say? I'll be a bride in less than 6 months!) Most of them are about the same things:

1) How to make your marriage better.
2) How to better cater to your spouse's needs.
3) What qualities/traits you need to make a lasting marriage.

One thing that I keep reading that's directed at the women is to make sure to "take time to look good for your husband". Put some make-up on, wear something that shows off your curves, etc. 
Well, ladies, what if you were to take time everyday to make yourself attractive spiritually? We spend at least an hour everyday prepping ourselves for the day ahead. Admit it, that prep time is usually what takes up the time until you have to get going. It takes up time that could be spend in fellowship with God.
I, for one, have never been very good at keeping up with devotions or getting up early to fit them in. But, I have been pretty good at getting up in enough time to do my hair, pick out nice clothes and put on make-up after a 10-20 minute shower. 
Here's the sucker punch question: Why don't we put getting on our spiritual armor first? Why isn't becoming attractive from the inside a priority to being attractive on the outside?
I love wearing make-up and wearing nice clothes that makes Keegan, my fiance, smile. But, ultimately, he's not marrying me for that. In fact, in one of our pre-marriage counseling session his dad (the one officiating us) asked us what drew us to the other. Keegan's answer was that he was drawn to how he always saw me with my morning devotions with my Bible in hand. 
My husband-to-be was, and is still, attracted to my fellowship with God. Not my make-up or clothes.

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
Colossians 3:5

Our passion is towards ourselves. The person we put the most time towards in our day is ourselves. 
We covet ourselves! We have taken our own bodies from God and half the time don't even ask what He wants us to do with them! You may see asking God's opinion on clothes and make-up as silly, but He doesn't! Our bodies are His and we've taken them away because we want control over them.
How sad is that?
He made us in the womb. Our eye color, hair color, skin type...everything. He made every aspect of you inside and out for a reason. Yet, we go changing everything.
Face it people, men and women. We have become our own idols. According the this verse...we've all committed idolatry. 

When God showed me this I was so shocked that I didn't have words. There are even times I put these blogs and my manuscript before my fellowship with God. You may be doing "Godly" things, but it all comes down to how much personal fellowship you have with Him.

One of the girls...
Taylyr Jane

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Give Me Words to Speak & Let the Spirit Lead.

Be very careful, then, how you live--not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the LORD's will is.
Ephesians 5:15-17

When God calls us to do things for Him, we need to stop what we're doing and go do it! Even if it's something just between you and Him.
God gives us daily opportunities to get closer to His heart and the hearts of others. Sometimes He gives us chances to even get closer to our own hearts.
We miss moments to become knitted at the heart with other people and with Him when we hesitate and walk away in fear or embarrassment. 
Then, there's doing what God says one time, but then hearing Him tell you to do something else and instead of going you say, "Eh, I did that Godly-thing yesterday. I think I've done my holy share for the week."
How stupid can we be?
We push away chances for God to bless us, bless someone else, bond with us, show someone else who He is...the list of what we pass up is endless.

For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.
1 Timothy 1:7

Ever wonder why the Spirit didn't make us timid? 
It would be useless for us to be timid when He's trying to get things done. You know what's sad? We're timid anyway! So, we still get in the way of Him getting things done!
We need to stop that!
I remember a couple of times where God has told me to go talk to people, but they were usually either people I didn't know or people I didn't like. Plus, I didn't know what He wanted me to say. I was unnerved. That's half the battle isn't it? Trusting that God will give us words. We want to "approve" of what we're going to be saying. 
What makes me feel really sorry that I was too unnerved to do what He asked is that I took away not only God and me moments. I took away a God moment from another person.

Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.
Psalms 96:3

We need to stop being ashamed of our Lover and what He does. We should brag more about how God romances us than the beautiful diamond necklace our spouse just bought us.
One of the girls...
Taylyr Jane

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Flexability: He Never Breaks Me, Only Bends.

Does anyone remember that song by David Crowder Band? I love their song How He Loves.

"He is jealous for me.
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree.
Bending beneath the waves of His wind and mercy.
And all of a sudden I am unaware of His affections eclipsed by glory.
And I realized just how wonderful You are and how great Your affections are for me."

These are some of my favorite lyrics in the song. I can sit still and drink in the promises of God's grace. He is gentle, but firm. His new, daily mercies are waves of wind. Waves of wind--strong and graceful, but you can't see it physically. You feel it. And then His affections are eclipsed by glory! I love that wording! He is jealous for me.
He is jealous for me. 
The one who looks in the mirror daily and finds something wrong. The one who talks harshly to people sometimes. The one who plays the blame game. The one who falls short of this eclipsed glory.

"-for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
Romans 3:23&24

I have fallen short of the glory of God daily. But, I am also justified freely by His grace! Because of Christ Jesus! 

Wow. Have you ever just sat still and thought about that? If Jesus hadn't gone through so much awful pain then we wouldn't be free to have the romance and relationship with God that we're completely free to have now!

One last note: notice how the song says we're bending beneath these waves and this wind. Not breaking. God doesn't break us, but when we do break He picks up the pieces and turns us into a masterpiece even more beautiful than before.

One of the girls......
Taylyr Jane

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Falling for the Arms of God

In the midst of doing my devotions while waiting for my next class, I looked out the window to process the words I just read. The season is changing and trees are releasing their leaves onto the ground. However, there's always those leaves that cling to the tree no matter how strong that wind gets.
I watched a couple of those leaves fall and touch the ground for only seconds before the wind carried them away again.
God is like a tree-strong, unmoving. We are like the leaves. The wind come and some of us fall to the ground and others cling to the tree no matter how hard that wind gets. But, although the wind makes us fall down to the ground sometimes, God's very own wind picks us up off that ground and takes us to new places.
God doesn't let us falling to the ground get into the way of Him using us for His purpose if we allow it. 

 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. Selah. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold. Selah. Psalm 46:1-3,7 

Even though that winds rips our worlds apart and creates chaos in our lives, God holds us and rocks us lovingly in His embrace!

God's wind: peace in the chaos, a knowledge that you're taken care of no matter what, faith that He will hold you.

The Bad wind: complete chaos, anxiety, unrest, doubt, defeat.

Solomon writes about his God being his stronghold even if the earth changes. Even if the mountains slip into the sea. Even if the mountains shake and the waters roar. Solomon was swept up and taken by the wind of God even though he fell from God in his battles with lust and women. God didn't allow His son to be taken captive and held down by the bad wind until he was crushed by his devouring mistakes.

Go look up "By Your Side" by Tenth Avenue North and stay quiet. Lay down and let you ears fill with the assurances of God. Falling asleep with those words in your ear is okay too.

One of the girls,