Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Attention All Girls!!

Aloha! Hola! Greetings!
Now I will unleash my plan for this blog!
Okay so one day my mom was making lists and typing when she kind of suddenly exclaimed something along the lines of, "You know what? A blog would be fun to do!" I kinda jumped out of my seat. She started planning and brain storming and then BOOM! Tons of ideas for a blog for teens popped up in my mind!

Enough of my story, the reason I wanted to create a blog was first off I thought it would be fun, lol, and two I wanted to let teen girls know that God loves them. So for all those beautiful, amazing teen girls out there I wanna let you know a couple of things (okay more than a couple):

1. As I mentioned not too long ago God loves you!
2. God created you to do AMAZING things!
3. You are unique. No two people are exactly alike so be yourself!
4. You are beautiful without tons of make-up!

This blog is NOT meant to replace your parents! God gave us parents to guide and protect us so don't be afraid to talk to them, they don't bite! (At least most don't)

This blog IS meant to be entertaining, funny and enjoyable! Here is a place to get the 411 on things like great food to fill up with when those cravings come out, the importance of staying pure, and most importantly how much God loves and cares for us!

Well laugh, cry, and/or dance for joy 'cause God is GOOD!

                          One of the girls......

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