Wednesday, July 13, 2011

What If?

How do you explain something that you don't understand yourself?
The mysteries of the thing in my skull commonly know as a "brain". A brain.
Dear brain,
Why do you make yourself so complicated?
The Body
You know there's an unknown reason. The tricky part of that reason is it's mischievous partner. UNKNOWN. (dun dun DUN!)
I wonder if other people get scared  confused when they think about what's ahead. Is there a life of nomadic ministries? What about getting married? Kids?
What is a girl to discover when the world seems so big compared to her little world?
What do you do when you have a special guy friend, that has always been there for you, that doesn't always do what he says he'll do?
Dear special guy friend,
Why is it that when I manage to think I have gotten over you, you finally show up and make my breath quicken?
The girl
P.S. Make up your mind!! Are you gonna call me or not?!

Dear special guy friend,
Why can't you just answer the question without making my mind race and stay up all night?
The girl
Why can't I back away and let God make what He wants happen? Well, because I want certain things to happen to me!
Ummm.....I don't remember God being a wish list for the Miss 'I want everything' girl.
Dear God,
You can do what you want with me, but first let me give you the 411 on my opinions.
Your daughter,
The girl
Uhh no.
I think that we girls want control in something. Anything Maybe not ANYTHING. Do we really want control? If we were in control what would happen?
What if
Us humans can really get caught up in the world of 'What if?'.
Why do we want to base the future on the
God gives us brand new, clean white 'shirts' and then when we look back and bring all the dirt back in! What happens to the brand new white shirt? WHAT A MESS!!!
Why do we make a mess in the first place?
Dear God,
Clean-up on my isle!!
Your daughter,
The girl
One of the girls,
you did kiss the guy? What if you had just ignored the new kid? What if..........?
Also, why does the special guy friend have to keep you "guessing"?

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