I love how estatic everyone was as I entered the youth room full of familiar high school students!
They would pass me, take a second look and embrace me. I felt small and ganged up on when I noticed how boys that we're short compared to me are now the tall guys with deeper voices!
I have taken up right where I left off in my home of friends. :)
It felt good realizing I was genuinly missed and welcomed/wanted back! I didn't have to re-earn my place or stand off alone. The whole time tonight I was laughing and joking around with people who care about me, how I'm doing and my walk with God. Oh how I have been craving that. :)
Praying that I have a group of buds like that in Carson. Only 3 hours away, instead of 3 days, is an improvement. Once I drive trips down here will be planned. :)
One of the girls.....
Your happiness makes me smile sweet daughter of mine :o)