Friday, May 13, 2011


One thing a kid learns most in Sunday school is, "Jesus/God loves everyone."
Everyone- Every person; everybody.
Well, I'm not sure it can be much more clear than that. lol
Everyone? Every single person? That guy walking down the street smoking? That woman yelling at her child? Everyone?
Ummm...well, I'm not sure how well you paid attention to the first sentence, but I'm pretty sure it said everyone.
Can you imagine that? To love everyone. We don't even know a quarter of everyone! Do we even love all the people we know, or do some people fall short of your 'loveable list'?
God knows everyone, their mistakes. He can hear what we say, and if we defy Him He knows! He knows everything, yet He loves everyone. I don't know about you, but when I think about that I think, "He is one patient father!"
I don't have anyone I exactly 'hate', I never really have, however, I have had 'disagreeable' people here and there. Can I say I loved them when I was having a hard time with them? I don't really remember, but I'm guessing my answer should be no.
How many times have we gone by, "Do unto other as you would have them do unto you."? Maybe, 2/200 times.
Everyone? YES, EVERYONE!!
Get it yet?
I'm not perfect at it, but I pray for patience so that when those 'disagreeable' people come around I'm not tempted to whack them on the head. lol

One of the girls.....

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