1) How to make your marriage better.
2) How to better cater to your spouse's needs.
3) What qualities/traits you need to make a lasting marriage.
One thing that I keep reading that's directed at the women is to make sure to "take time to look good for your husband". Put some make-up on, wear something that shows off your curves, etc.
Well, ladies, what if you were to take time everyday to make yourself attractive spiritually? We spend at least an hour everyday prepping ourselves for the day ahead. Admit it, that prep time is usually what takes up the time until you have to get going. It takes up time that could be spend in fellowship with God.
I, for one, have never been very good at keeping up with devotions or getting up early to fit them in. But, I have been pretty good at getting up in enough time to do my hair, pick out nice clothes and put on make-up after a 10-20 minute shower.
Here's the sucker punch question: Why don't we put getting on our spiritual armor first? Why isn't becoming attractive from the inside a priority to being attractive on the outside?
I love wearing make-up and wearing nice clothes that makes Keegan, my fiance, smile. But, ultimately, he's not marrying me for that. In fact, in one of our pre-marriage counseling session his dad (the one officiating us) asked us what drew us to the other. Keegan's answer was that he was drawn to how he always saw me with my morning devotions with my Bible in hand.
My husband-to-be was, and is still, attracted to my fellowship with God. Not my make-up or clothes.
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality,
impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.
Colossians 3:5
Our passion is towards ourselves. The person we put the most time towards in our day is ourselves.
We covet ourselves! We have taken our own bodies from God and half the time don't even ask what He wants us to do with them! You may see asking God's opinion on clothes and make-up as silly, but He doesn't! Our bodies are His and we've taken them away because we want control over them.
How sad is that?
He made us in the womb. Our eye color, hair color, skin type...everything. He made every aspect of you inside and out for a reason. Yet, we go changing everything.
Face it people, men and women. We have become our own idols. According the this verse...we've all committed idolatry.
When God showed me this I was so shocked that I didn't have words. There are even times I put these blogs and my manuscript before my fellowship with God. You may be doing "Godly" things, but it all comes down to how much personal fellowship you have with Him.
One of the girls...
Taylyr Jane