Friday, June 24, 2011

ipod incident.

Oh the things that happen. lol
I was preparing to wrap my friend's birthday present and had asked my grandma for a bag. We went into 'my' room and started with cutting some tissue paper to wrap it in.
Well, I had just been listening to my ipod and had previously set it on my bed. Neither of us had noticed that the tissue paper had been set onto my ipod and while my grandma was cutting the tissue paper she accidentally cut one of the ear phones off!
Sadly, I didn't notice the ipod until she was just about to touch the ear phone and I guess i didn't yell, "STOP!", fast enough. Ooops.
My other ear phone still works fine and doesn't appear to notice the absence of it's partner. :)
It turns out that even thought, at the time, I was a little upset I was more concerned that my grandma knew it wasn't that big of a deal. God turned out using this unexpected accident to teach me patience and to remember what and whom my priorities are set upon.
I find it very exciting when I have a victory like this and can happily say, "Hahaha, Satan!!! I WON!!!!" I think that is a pretty appropriate time to brag a lil. ;)
One of the girls.....

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ahhh! :)

I love how estatic everyone was as I entered the youth room full of familiar high school students!
They would pass me, take a second look and embrace me. I felt small and ganged up on when I noticed how boys that we're short compared to me are now the tall guys with deeper voices!
I have taken up right where I left off in my home of friends. :)
It felt good realizing I was genuinly missed and welcomed/wanted back! I didn't have to re-earn my place or stand off alone. The whole time tonight I was laughing and joking around with people who care about me, how I'm doing and my walk with God. Oh how I have been craving that. :)
Praying that I have a group of buds like that in Carson. Only 3 hours away, instead of 3 days, is an improvement. Once I drive trips down here will be planned. :)

One of the girls.....