Well hello there everyone!
This is the first time I have been on this blog, literally, since 2016. In the very small chance that you have forgotten, it is now 2020. Why, you may ask, have I returned to this old blog after three years and eight months (as Siri has informed me it has been that long exactly)?
Because my name is still Taylyr. And I still talk.
Well… And because I for the life of me couldn’t figure out what email and password I used for the other blog I had.... It wasn’t that cool anyway. When I tried to Google it I found five other blogs that have the same name. I’m still the only one with this one LOL
As I talk to text this (yes you read that right), my six month old baby girl who was put to bed 30 minutes ago is screaming. I don’t know why she’s screaming. She’s been fed, she’s been changed, and her room is exactly 73° just like any other night. If you have an opinion on how cold or hot my baby’s room is, please keep it to yourself- I do not need another opinion today.
Anyone else feel that? I know that one day I will make the terrible mistake with my two daughters of giving advice that is either unwelcome, not asked for, wrong, or all of the above. I will forget exactly how I feel right now. I only pray that by God’s grace my girls Will forgive me for the lapse of memory.
I am mainly here to let you all know that I am a mess of a mother. I am also a mess of a sinner. It is only because of God and his patience and grace that I am anything other than that. There are a lot of women that only post and give you glimpses of the perfect parts of their life. That’s not fair. It’s not fair that a lot of people are so eager to make their life look perfect that they make everybody else feel like theirs is a failure.
I’m not saying the pretty pictures shouldn’t be shared. I’m not saying the beautiful moments shouldn’t be a source of pride.
But for goodness sake, it does really make me feel encouraged and not alone when I see that one brave person that’s willing to acknowledge that she is not always content. The hard part about this battle of façade versus reality is that if you make your life look too perfect people complain they are fake, but if you put too much of real life on there people think you’re looking for attention or complain too much.
I’ve had the sails of writing knocked out of me for a couple years. I haven’t really felt motivated to share. Maybe I should’ve been sharing all along. Now I’m back, and some posts will be brutally honest in the world of reality. Other posts will be beautiful and not worthy of being reality.
Ultimately, to God be the glory. Keep reading if you’d like, ignore the links to my posts if you’d rather. My feelings won’t be hurt because I will never know.
One of the women.....
Taylyr Jane (when I tried to swipe text my name it came out as Rattle 😂)
P.S. my kitchen is a complete mess right now. I’m trying to motivate myself to do my dishes, and I never want to do my dishes.